Neria is a Guatemalan Woman from Uaxactún. She spent her whole life there. She has got a little accomodation, very simple but lovely and again awesome local food. The place is called Campamento El Chiclero. Thank you very much Neria! I would like to go back another time with more Spanish;-)
I never heard about Ramón before. It is a nut and they make really good cake out of it or mix is up with coffee, it is very tasty. I already bought the flour of Ramón on the market to make my own dessert! They also make natural chewing gum. It is an old Maya tradition. It simply tastes like tree:-)
Here are some impressions of a wunderful time in Uaxactún:

Nerias Place

Neria and I

Grandma making corn tortillas

her family 

on the left: chewing gum (no bread), in the back: Ramón the nut and
on the right: Pepper fresh from the garden


  1. ;) Du bist echt die Größte...
    Aber Kaugummi der nach Baum schmeckt, naja...ich weiß nicht? :p

  2. Schmeckt auch nicht:-D Aber sehr clever, finde ich. Die Idee stammt von den Mayas!
